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National Honor Society

The National Honor Society was formed in 1921 by the National Association of Secondary School Principals.  The organization of the National Honor Society would have a strong tendency to improve scholarship and to place the regular and faithful performance of academic work in the proper place among the student body.  The goal of the NASSP in their resolution to form an honor society was to have an organization that not only satisfies a social need but also be devoted to the purposes of worth to the individual and of profit to the school.  NHS is not restricted to the recognition of academic excellence, but also observes the fundamental virtues of character, leadership, scholarship and service. This organization is a concrete way to promote high school academic standards, a means of ensuring the continuation of democracy, and an instrument for the betterment of the individual and the school.

 NHS Colors

Blue and Gold

 NHS Motto

Noblesse Oblige—When loosely translated, it means “nobility obligates” or in other words, “To whom much is given, much is expected.

 To become a member of the NHS a student must maintain an unweighted GPA of at least a 3.73, be in good standing with the school and possess leadership, and service qualities in  as well as out of the classroom.  Then at the beginning of their second semester of their sophomore year they will receive an invitation to apply for membership.  Those Junior who were not inducted Sophomore year will also receive and invitation.