Attendance Waivers are due in the Guidance Office by Friday, January 10, 2025 at 3pm.
If you have more than 10 absences in a class, excused or unexcused, you will need to do the Attendance Waiver. Be sure to attach a detailed explanation and attach any notes for your absences as well.
According to the Onslow County Board of Education Policy 4400, for a student to receive credit for a course, he/she must not be absent for more than ten (10) days per class period per semester. Accumulated absences over ten (10) days per class period per semester with extenuating circumstances must be documented by medical and/or legal paperwork and be submitted to the Principal or their designee.
This form is simply a request for the Principal or their designee to review absences that have accumulated over the 10 days allowed per OCS policy. If your student is served under a 504 plan, medical documentation and a request to review absences is still necessary. A 504 plan does not automatically waive student absences. A completed request to review absences does NOT mean that absences will be automatically waived. See the form for additional information.
In order to have absences reviewed for credit under this policy, a student must complete this form and provide written documentation. It is important to understand that this form is only good for the accumulated absences of more than ten (10). Teachers will be notified if a student has met the requirements as determined by extenuating circumstances to receive credit for the respective class.