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Financial Aid Information

Searching for scholarships can seem overwhelming and tedious at times, but don't fret! There are several tools to help students and parents find funding to make your future more affordable!




The College Foundation of North Carolina offers access to a variety of scholarship information (local and national) as well as a great deal of other information related to college and career.



The Free Application for Federal Student Aid is a form used to determine which students get financial aid, and how much they will get. Use this form to apply for federal and state financial aid. Click here for more resources for completing the FAFSA. 


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College Board Scholarship Search

College Board not only has a scholarship search tool that matches your profile to scholarships from across the country. They also host their own scholarship program focused on the completion of steps throughout the college application process. The College Board Opportunity Scholarships program is currently open to students in the United States, Puerto Rico, and US territories, regardless of citizenship status. US citizens and residents attending Department of Defense Education Activity schools abroad may also participate. This program is open to students regardless of their family income. The more effort the students puts in, the more opportunities they have to earn a scholarship. Scholarships will be awarded through monthly drawings to students who complete each action.