SAT Scholarship Information
SAT Scholarship Requirements
Deadline for community service hours: January 31st each year.
Please check here for current SAT Volunteer Opportunities
Sponsors for Academic Talent, Inc. (SAT) is dedicated to providing scholarships to students in the Onslow County Schools. To qualify, all students must meet the following academic and community service requirements.
ALL graduating students (including early graduates) who complete the requirements will recieve a scholarship.
All necessary documents are linked at the bottom of the page. Please contact Yulissa Balsamo if you have any additional questions.
Academic Requirements:
Maintain a 3.5 GPA on the weighted scale
Score 1100 or higher (combination of verbal and mathematics) on the SAT OR Score 23 or higher on ACT (Composite Score).
Complete the Community Service Requirement (see below).
Meet the NC Future Ready Course of Study Graduation Requirements as specified by NC DPI to include:
4 English credits
4 Mathematics credits
3 Science credits
4 Social Studies credits
2 Foreign Language credits
Community Service Requirement
Complete community service hour requirement for ONE of the two scholarship amounts listed below. You can only receive one of the scholarships offered:
To obtain a $750.00 Scholarship, you must:
Perform a minimum of 75 hours of community service*
Complete 20 hours in the senior year (beginning the first day or summer)
A maximum of 35 church and school hours
A minimum of 40 hours at Approved Agencies
To obtain a $1,500.00 Scholarship, you must also:
Complete 20 hours in the senior year (first day of summer break)
Perform a minimum of 100 hours at approved agencies*
*Students can begin collecting hours the summer AFTER their freshman year of high school. Hours completed during the freshman year will not count toward the total needed for this scholarship.
The following rules and stipulations apply!!
No SAT hours may be earned during the school day (7:30am-2:30pm) - seniors with Early Release or Late Arrival may begin hours after their classes end
A maximum of 4 hours may be performed on a school day
A maximum of 8 hours may be performed on a non-school day
No hours may be performed on the military base or air station (must be performed in Onslow County)
Hours performed at non approved agencies will not be counted.
If you would like to volunteer at a site not on the approved list contact your SAT Coordinator (Yulissa Balsamo) to request approval. Please allow up to five (5) school days for a response.
Hours are to be submitted to your school’s SAT Coordinator (DHS is Yulissa Balsamo) in a timely manner. To help your coordinator know you are working on the scholarship, please keep in contact and turn in hours at least once each semester.