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Senior Information

Senior Contract

Senior year is full of activities and excitement, we want every senior to enjoy their last year to the fullest while continuing the hardwork that brought us to this point in order to cross the finish line! This contract is to remind students and parents that within the fun of senior year, there are still expectations and requirements we must meet. 

Senior Contract

Senior Information Survey

As more students move to off-campus offerings and shortened schedules we want to make sure we have the most accurate and direct ways to reach everyone with important senior information. 

Graduation Slide

Graduates will have an opportunity to provide input to the information on their graduation slide, however for uniformity, the categories of information are limited and all information will be reviewed. 

Information allowed:

  • Formal Graduation photo (Yearbook only)
  • Post Graduation plans (i.e. workforce, college, university, trade school)
    • Student may choose to specify on their slide, however we will need the specific information for our records
  • Scholarships awards
  • Leadership Positions held
  • Achievements earned during High School (sports, academically)
    • Achievements earned outside of school, but during High School will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis

Graduation Ceremony

There will only be one graduation ceremony for all graduates. To participate you must meet the expectations outlined in the contract above, have the required materials (cap, gown, tassel, diploma, and diploma cover), have a clear account (all fees paid), and attend graduation practice. 

Graduation PracticeProposed June 10th, 2025, Time TBD

Graduation CeremonyProposed June 11th, 2025, Time TBD

Number of Tickets: TBD


Cords and Endorsements