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Summer School Options

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Recovery Options

Students who need to recover credits may request to participate in the summer recovery program. This program is open by invitation only and is limited due to course offerings and staffing. Invitations will be extended prior to the end of the school year. Only courses that were not passed, a final grade of less than 60, may be recovered. Students who participate in recovery will receive a P/F grade. This will not replace the failed grade from the previous attempt. Students wishing to replace a failed grade must retake the entire course during the school year. 

Advancement and Enrichment

Advancement and enrichment options are available through Onslow Virtual Academy (OVA) and North Carolina Virtual Public School (NCVPS). AP courses are unavailable during the summer session due to the condensed nature of these courses. Students may take only 1 course over the summer, either NCVPS or OVA. All world language, math, and EOC/CTE exam courses will be offered through NCVPS. All other courses will be offered through OVA.

NCVPS Catalog
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